UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape

This course covers the initial and refresher training of an individual’s knowledge and skills in the safe evacuation from an Elevating Work Platform (EWP) using a controlled descent device. It covers requirements for self rescue from a raised EWP and how they apply in a transmission, distribution or rail work environment.

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UETTDRRF05 Perform rescue from switchyard

This course covers the initial and refresher training of an individual’s knowledge and skills in the safe performance of rescue procedures from switchyard structures at heights in the workplace. It specifies the requirements of rescue from switchyard structures and how they apply in the context of transmission or distribution work functions.

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UETTDRRF04 Perform tower rescue

This course covers the initial and refresher training on an individual’s knowledge and skills in the safe performance or rescue procedures from a tower structure in the workplace. It specifies the requirements of rescue from a transmission powerline tower structure and how they apply in a transmission work environment.

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UETTDRMP005 Perform EWP rescue

This course covers the initial and refresher training of an individual’s knowledge and skills in the safe performance of rescue procedures from an Elevating Work Platform (EWP) in the workplace.

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UETTDRRF01 Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work on or near electrical apparatus

This course covers the initial and refresher training of an individual’s knowledge and skills in application of Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) safety rules and codes of practice for work on or near electrical apparatus it includes the application of relevant State and Territory safety rules, codes of practice and enterprise based procedures and how they apply in the context of transmission or distribution work functions.

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RIIWHS204D Work safely at heights

This course covers working safely at heights in resources and infrastructure industries. It includes identifying the work requirements, work procedures and instructions for the task; accessing and installing equipment; performing work at heights; and cleaning up the work area.

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